Become a member

Support Canine Therapy Corps animal-assisted therapy services by becoming a monthly member!

At Canine Therapy Corps, we believe that no donation is too small and that your continued support allows us to confidently increase the number of individuals we serve across Chicagoland.

Why should you become a member?

Canine Therapy Corps provides goal-directed, animal-assisted therapy programming services free of charge. Monthly contributions allow us to serve our 12 current program partners and provides opportunity for expansion by adding new partners.

The impact of your monthly gift:

$10/Month: Provide treats for one of our programs such as Jesse Brown VA Medical Center as veterans with a history of PTSD or other mental illness work with our therapy dogs and teach them a new trick.

$25/Month: Provide graduation supplies for one of our programs with foster children with histories of abuse, neglect, and trauma for 1 year.

$50/Month: Provide capes for 20 new therapy dogs as we work to double the number of people we serve.

$100/Month: Support our therapeutic outreach event efforts where we bring therapy dogs to organizations such as nursing homes, therapeutic schools, food pantries, and other social service agencies.

2024 membership gift

Please contact with any questions regarding membership levels, payments or processing updates.